16 Feb 2014 Filed in:
Cross CountrySummer Sprints - The same track backwards

3rd Place (16th February 2014)
I felt a bit more comfortable on the track this time because I had already raced it a few weeks ago. But it was to be raced in the opposite direction. I wasn’t a fan of it being in this direction because there seemed to be less single track downhill sections.
Somewhere along the way I managed to loose the front end and crash with a load of dust everywhere. I didn’t hurt myself and quickly got back on my bike wondering how that had happened! It’s been a long time since I have crashed!
I raced ok and gave it my best. I finished in 3rd place behind Jo Rowell and Jodie Willett.
I have decided I need to climb more hills and get some leg strength!
*Edit: Shortly after posting this blog, I realised I was 5 weeks pregnant with baby number 3!

Tags: Riding while pregnant, Mountainbike racing, Short course racing
02 Feb 2014 Filed in:
Cross CountrySummer Sprints - The race to make me hungry

5th Place (2nd February 2014)
It’s about time I entered another race! The summer sprint series is held at Underwood Park, south of Brisbane. I had heard about these races, but never managed to make it down for one.
I entered into A grade, perhaps a silly idea…. but the format of racing meant that even if I was way behind the pace, no one would be left waiting for me to finish. It was a 50 minute race, and you just finish on whatever lap you are on after the 50 minutes.
While lining up to get my race place I bumped into Jodie Willett, Kylie Maduna and Anna Beck. All top riders, who would be my competition for the day. gulp.
It was hot even though it was early in the morning. The track was nice with a few tricky little sections like this rock garden (photo). It was harder than what it looked because it was fairly flat and you needed quite a run up to keep the momentum over the rocks.
I came in 5th place. Time to step up the training a bit.

Tags: Mountainbike racing, Short course racing